Document 1932 DOCN M94A1932 TI Ethics and med. legal problems in HIV seropositivity communication. DT 9412 AU Gnarini R; Serpelloni G; Guidetti E; Izzo E; Guarnaccia D; Esposito C; Liberti A; Sica S; Tarro G; Soscia M; D. Cotugno Hospital, Naples, Italy. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):419 (abstract no. PD0283). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370643 AB OBJECTIVE AND METHODS: the screening branch working in anonimity, for HIV C Group monitored from July 1989 until September 1993, 2597 people exposed to the permanent or discontinous risk of HIV contamination (drug users, multi-partners, prostitutes, homosexuals and bisexual men, etc.). RESULTS: we found 153 subjects seropositive to HIV (5.98%), 42.2% of them drug users, 21.5% ex drug users, 9.4% homosexuals and drug users homosexuals, 17.4% heterosexuals. These last were 26: 22 women and 4 men. 2284 subjects were, for the first time, informed to be seropositive or seronegative. As for us, in our capacity of counsellors, we found lots of problems, ethical and medical expecially, with 4 couples. In these couples one of the two partners (always male) was seropositive. In these situations we could not convince the male to inform his partner about his seropositivity. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: we wondered, and are still wondering whetel to lor the professional secret prevail or the interfere activity in order to safe guard the public health, informing the seronegative subject about the seropositivy of his/her partner. DE Adult Bisexuality Counseling *Ethics, Professional Female Homosexuality Human HIV Seropositivity/*TRANSMISSION Italy *Jurisprudence Male Prostitution *Sex Behavior Substance Abuse, Intravenous MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).